Yesterday as I rode on my bike to class (too late to walk), I noticed a guy making a mad dash across the bridge. As I pass him near HJG and whizzed on my way to class, he called out, "I could use one of those right now."
My bike is fantastic. Most bikes are pretty nifty creations and mine is extra. It is sleek and lightweight, sturdy and trusty, fully equipped and utterly perfect in every way. I am a very lucky girl to have such a nice bike.
This reminds me to be grateful.
A friend of mine I've recently visited isn't super religious but she says grace every time she eats. There are blessings in Hebrew I can say for food, but I've never taken the time to learn all of them. I only know the ones for bread and wine on the Sabbath. My project for this week - learn them all and start using them!
I also want to remind the universe that I am thankful for everything else too.
I have such wonderful family. This is something I used to take for granted a lot. Parents are supposed to be loving and supporting. Siblings are supposed to be your best friends. The sad truth is most are not and that's something I've learned more and more about recently. I love my mother and my father and my sister more than anyone else in the world and I would gladly give up my life for them if it were ever necessary. Without them, my world is not the same. They give me courage to face everything and I always that whether or not I've faced it successfully, I have a warm, loving place to come back to. Whenever I am scared I have guidance. When ever I am lonely, I have home. Thank you to my family.
This is not to say anything less about the family my friends have made themselves to be. There are people in this world who are not related to me in any way and yet, they have chosen to bond and connect with me. They too offer warmth and support and have taken me into their lives with love. Thank you to my friends.
Thanks for the roof over my head, the food that I eat, the clothes in my closet, the blankets on my bed, for the color of my eyes, the warmth of the sun, the teachers who really teach, and for learning how to be wise.
Last but not least, I really like (this blog brought to you by) my computer and the internet. So thanks for that too!
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